đŸĒ™ChainCade Token


Launch Date

July 9, 2021


Launched on Binance Smart Chain and available to trade on PancakeSwap & Flooz.trade.

Total Supply

1,000,000,000,000,000 1 Quadrillion (50+% burned)

1% Tax on Transactions

Using DeFi protocols, the tax on transactions is used to benefit the longevity of the project and further progress towards it's goals.

Holder Redistribution

Every holder of ChainCade token earns passive rewards through static reflection, no staking required. The "burn address" also receives the redistribution, acting as a deflationary mechanism and decreasing the total supply over time.

Team Tokens

3 Team members received 1% supply (1,000,000,000) each with no vesting period, along with 4% towards initial promotion and upstart cost, totaling 5%.

Last updated